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EIR: Has London Scheduled a Crimean Missile Crisis for October?

EIR Vol. 49, No.38, dated Sept. 30, will go out to subscribers Sept. 29.

This issue features a discussion of the strategic escalation in the U.S./Global-NATO war against Russia (and China), dating from the Ramstein Air Base meeting Sept. 8, and leading to the Russian mobilization of reserves and referenda in four Ukrainian oblasts. Ukrainian military leadership has called for a pre-emptive nuclear strike against Russia, and EIR’s editorial quotes a Swiss weekly and asks, “Are we actually governed by lunatics"?

Section I, The Worst Crisis, begins with “Some Realistic Views of Russia’s Mobilization and Referenda,” with extensive quotes from Scott Ritter, Dagmar Henn in, and senior German parliamentarian Willy Wimmer. In its analysis article, “Has London Scheduled a Crimean Missile Crisis for October?” Dennis Speed writes: “If unchecked by the efforts of individuals and organizations working with the Schiller Institute, Anglo-American-instigated perpetual war will ‘go thermonuclear, no matter what is said to the contrary.” The fundamental cause was identified by Lyndon LaRouche in a piece from 2016 we republish, “A New Conception of What International Relations Are": “The problem is that we do not have a defined international system which will secure peace. It doesn’t yet exist, and we’ve got to make it.”

The two Open Letters to the United Nations, originated by the Schiller Institute and the Foundation to Battle Injustice, urge that body to support an open and free debate about the need to convoke a special emergency conference to implement a new international security and development architecture; and to investigate and block the Myrotvorets website. The Foundation is headed by Mira Terada, the Russian journalist who spoke at the Sept. 10-11 Schiller Institute Conference.

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