Gianandrea Gaiani, editor of the Italian defense magazine Analisi Difesa, and a distinguished honorable mention on the infamous Ukrainian “proscription lists,” has said that Ukraine can win the war against Russia only if NATO intervenes directly. To this purpose, Kiev might create a sensational accident, such as a radioactive accident. Another provocation that Poland and the Baltic countries are working at, could be launched in Belarus.
“There is a battle in the shadows in which Westerners and Ukrainians seek to incite an uprising in Belarus that will further isolate Moscow and open a new front for it, while Russia seeks to arm Belarus as its ally,” Gaiani said in an interview with Il (
The Wagner group has been re-deployed into Belarus, and is training the Belarus troops. Theoretically, they could reach Kiev from Belarus in one hour, but “there is no Belarusian interest in attacking Ukraine from there, much less a NATO country. Instead, I do not rule out the possibility that Ukrainians, Poles, and Baltic countries may try to make some provocation to involve Belarus in the conflict with the goal of widening it by imposing war on those NATO countries that, as seen in the Vilnius summit, are increasingly reluctant to get involved. They know that this involvement is needed to win.”
As to the Zaporozhye Nuclear Power Plant, accusing the Russians of planning to explode it is like saying Moscow blew up the Nord Stream pipelines and the Kerch Strait Bridge. Furthermore, radioactivity leaks would hit more Russian territory than Ukrainian. “The Ukrainians are counting on the fact that a nuclear incident could prompt NATO to intervene directly. Let’s face it: If Atlantic Alliance forces do not intervene, Ukraine’s military apparatus will gradually weaken. I do not see great horizons for Kiev unless things change rapidly.”
According to Gaiani, Ukrainian losses in the counteroffensive amounted to 50,000 casualties, both dead and wounded.