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Sept. 22 EIR: ‘a New Model of Relationships and Integration Is Emerging’

EIR Vol. 50, No. 37 goes to subscribers Thursday, Sept. 21. The cover photo is of Russian President Vladimir Putin, standing in front of a large image of the beautiful Russky Island Bridge, addressing the 8th Eastern Economic Forum.

The Editorial is “From Johannesburg to Vladivostok: The Tectonic Shift Continues,” by Dennis Small.

This week’s featured reprint from Lyndon LaRouche is in the form of a transcript of video excerpts from a conference speech he delivered June 26,1978, which we have titled “We’re Going to Export Hundreds of Cities!” With this, moderator Dennis Speed opened Panel 1 of the Schiller Institute’s September 9, 2023 conference.

Section I, “Emerging New Economic Order” contains:

An edited transcript of the Live Dialogue with Helga Zepp-LaRouche from Sept. 14: “Moving Forward after the BRICS & G20 Summits!”

Excerpts from Vladimir Putin’s remarks to the Sept. 10-13 Eastern Economic Forum meeting in Vladivostok, “We Are Witnessing a New Emerging Model of Relationships and Integration,” prepared by Daniel Platt.

“The Future of Africa, China, and the BRICS,” an edited transcript of South African Prof. David Monyae’s presentation to the Sept. 9 Schiller Institute conference.

“Springboard Into the Future: The Grand Inga Hydroelectric Project,” by Janet G. West.

* “Peace Is the Question of Our Time,” an edited transcript of opening remarks by Jen Pearl (Chair, Schiller Institute NYC Chorus), Dennis Speed, and Monsignor Jamie Gigantiello (Honorary Chaplain to the NYC Fire Dept.) to the Schiller Institute’s 9/11 Memorial Concert, Sept. 10.

Section II contains the LaRouche piece noted above.

In Section III you will find an edited transcript of Dennis Small’s presentation Aug. 18 on the weekly internet program, New York Symposium with Diane Sare. It is titled “Dope, Inc. and the Migrant Crisis.”

Section IV contains an edited transcript of an exclusive interview with Prof. Richard Falk, conducted for EIR and the Schiller Institute by Mike Billington. It is titled “The Unstable Tension: Geopolitics and National Sovereignty.”