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Anti-Russian Expert McFaul Hysterical over India-Russia Collaboration

Michael McFaul, a former U.S. Ambassador to Russia and an open admirer of the neo-Nazi Azov Regiment, could not restrain himself, after the heightened collaboration of India and Russia was occasioned by the successful Dec. 25-29 visit to Russia of Indian Minister of External Affairs Subrahmanyam Jaishankar. McFaul read an RT article which had referred to India’s historic commonality with Russia, and India’s opposition to imperialism. McFaul then commented: “India was once a world champion against imperialism and for decolonization. Sad to see this embrace of imperial Russia using war and annexation to try to recolonize Ukraine. I guess money is more important than values.”

The values of McFaul, a U.S. Ambassador to Russia in 2012-14, were on display when he welcomed the Azov Brigade delegation to Stanford. The video link above shows McFaul going out of his way to welcome an Azov fighter, along with the wife of Azov Regiment Commander Denys Prokopenko, while speaking in front of the Azov’s swastika-modeled insignia. Curious? Perhaps McFaul thinks that the best way to oppose what he calls “imperialism” is to embrace neo-Nazis.

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