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$921 Million of UNRWA’s $1.16 Billion Budget Has Been Suspended So Far

We list below the 18 countries which, as of today, have “suspended” their funding of UNRWA, the primary agency which provides food, shelter and humanitarian aid to the desperate people of Gaza. The list is being kept by UN Watch, an NGO whose openly-expressed interest is, like that of Benjamin Netanyahu, to shut down UNRWA altogether.

UN Watch reports that “UNRWA’s biggest donors in 2023 were the U.S. and EU countries, accounting for roughly $865 million or about 75% of the agency’s $1.16 billion budget.” By their count as of Jan. 30, over $921 million had been cut, leaving the agency with less than 25% of its operating budget. The United States, UNRWA’s largest donor, was the first to strike, announcing its freeze on all funding to UNRWA barely three hours after the ICJ ruling against Israel was announced. Less than 24 hours later, the U.K., Scotland, Canada, Australia, Italy, the Netherlands, Germany and Finland, minimally, had followed suit; other countries joined this genocidal bandwagon over the course of the past week.

The countries which have frozen funding, in order of size of their donor pledges:

United States, $343.9 M

Germany, $202.1 M:

European Union, $114.1 M

Sweden, $61 M:

Japan, $30.2 M

France, $28.9 M

Switzerland, $25.5 M:

Canada. $23.7 M:

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