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Toledo, Ohio Passes a Ceasefire Resolution on Gaza War

The City of Toledo, Ohio on Feb. 14 unanimously passed a resolution calling for a ceasefire now in Gaza; the vote had been postponed for nearly a month during a debate which involved organizations in the city. Advocates of the resolution are now hoping it puts pressure on the City of Cleveland to act.

Resolution 61-24, “Denouncing Rising Hate and Discrimination in Toledo,” said, in part:

“Council calls for an immediate lasting negotiated bilateral ceasefire, release of all hostages, and unrestricted humanitarian aid at the levels recommended by the United Nations for Palestinian people.

“Council condemns all forms of anti-Arab and anti-Palestinian racism, anti-semitism, and Islamophobia; each of whom has a right to learn, work, worship, gather, advocate, mourn, and celebrate free from intimidation, harassment, doxing, and fear of violence.”

According to the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), “Toledo humanitarians worked tirelessly for months to advocate for their city to stand against genocide and call for an end to the violence by Israel that has claimed the lives men, women, and children with an estimated 30,000 civilians martyred, nearly 70,000 injured and tens of thousands missing under the rubble or held hostage by Israel.”

Sponsors were Council President Carrie Hartman and members Adam Martinez, Theresa Gadus, Nick Komives and Cerssandra McPherson. Councilman Martinez stated, “This is an attempt to create a pathway and really come together as a community.… I don’t pretend to understand the pain and suffering on both sides of the conflict but what I do say is, I appreciate the Council on working together.” And Dr. Zaheer Hasan of United Muslims Association of Toledo (UMAT) said, “The Toledo community of diverse backgrounds and faiths came together, and advocated for the City of Toledo to call for a permanent ceasefire and acknowledge the loss of life in Gaza.”