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March 12, 2024 (EIRNS)—American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) is building a $100 million war chest to target 15 to 20 political figures who refuse to support Bibi Netanyahu’s genocide in Gaza. They spent $4.6 million of that to stop California State Senator Dave Min in last week’s Democratic primary in the Orange County area, according to Politico. Despite their wall of money, Min won his primary election.

AIPAC, which had never accused Min of criticizing Israel, took offense, however, to Min’s comment to the effect of, “I like Israel, but I think that Netanyahu is crazy.” The entire campaign was triggered by that single comment. Min, a Korean-American, is no threat to the Zionist Lobby and has never even called for a ceasefire in Gaza. The true goal of AIPAC’s $4.6 million campaign was to have a publicity stunt to terrorize other lawmakers and those in Congress who might be considering to “step out of line.”

The development of Min’s primary success is welcome news and is reflective of a broader collapse in support of the traditional pro-Israel lobby in the U.S. The Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith (ADL) has also been whining that it is losing control over young Jewish-Americans despite its efforts at controlling the narrative in Israel’s brutal assault on Gaza. And even though the AIPAC-aligned Democratic Majority for Israel spent millions in ads trying to prevent the “uncommitted” vote in Michigan and other swing states, voters turned out in record numbers to snub Biden’s acquiescence to Israel.

There is all the potential for a complete breakout for an “Oasis Plan” solution for the Mideast. Is that why the enemies of peace are so hyper-sensitive right now?