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NATO Leaders Mentally Abandon Reality, Bring Real World to the Brink—What Will the New Paradigm Be?

Crimean bridge German Generals discussed blowing up. Credit: CC/

March 7, 2024 (EIRNS)—If you think the elites of NATO have lost their minds, you’re right! But their fantasies endanger the entire world, by bringing us to the brink of a nuclear conflict, and to civilizational disgrace.

German generals are caught on a conference call discussing the provision of long-range missiles to Ukraine and their use, in a large volley, to destroy the Crimean Bridge, the longest in Europe. Some scandal erupts around the lack of security on the call, while the implications of a NATO strike on a key piece of Russian infrastructure are blithely ignored, as though Russia were perpetually bluffing and had no “red lines.”

A more accurate presentation of reality came on Russian television, where the host of a weekly news program posed the question: “Which bridge or bridges would we have to destroy in Germany in order to adequately retaliate for the damage caused in the event of an attack with German Taurus missiles on our Crimean Bridge?” Would it be the Fehmarn Sound Bridge in the Baltic Sea, the heavily used Hohenzollern rail bridge in Cologne, or the Magdeburg Water Bridge crossing the Elbe?

The Wall Street Journal has offered a new confirmation of the status of peace negotiations for Ukraine from back in April 2022: significant concessions had been made by both sides, there were large areas of negotiated settlement, and some of the thornier specific issues had been identified and were under discussion. An opportunity to end the conflict nearly as soon as it began was within reach! But it was rejected—not by Ukraine, but by its NATO masters, personified by former U.K. Prime Minister Boris Johnson, who flew to Ukraine in a frenzy to prevent a swift end to NATO’s long war against Russia.

South Africa has made a new, urgent request to the International Court of Justice, to order additional measures to stop the genocide being conducted in Gaza, where the population has begun starving to death at a rate that will, if nothing is done, escalate not linearly, but exponentially. Israel is showing contempt for the World Court, and its January 26, 2024 order, and new demands are necessary. “All participants in the conflict must ensure that all fighting and hostilities come to an immediate halt, and that all hostages and detainees are released immediately,” reads the first of the measures South Africa is asking the ICJ to impose. Israel would be called upon to end military operations in Gaza, lift the blockade, and supply sufficient humanitarian assistance, including food, water, fuel, shelter, clothing, and sanitation and medical supplies and equipment.

Earlier this week, UNRWA, the UN agency for Palestinian refugees, wrote: “Horrific reports confirmed that, over the last few days only, at least 10 children died of malnutrition in Gaza. These deaths are man-made, predictable and entirely preventable. Gaza has become hell on earth. When will the world say ‘enough'?”

Indeed, when will the world say “enough”?

And what will it demand instead?

A grouping of retired French military officers has demanded a ceasefire, as has Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi.

Regarding the war against Russia being conducted mostly within Ukrainian territory, milquetoast calls for a negotiated settlement in Ukraine are forced to appear in establishment journals.

But what paradigm must be established to make these entirely reasonable policies automatic? Under what conceptual regime would there be no need for massive popular uprisings for peace?

A former member of the Danish and European Parliaments has endorsed the Schiller Institute’s petition for the LaRouche Oasis Plan, which, along with the petition for the Global North to discuss Helga Zepp-LaRouche’s Ten Principles for a New International Security and Development Architecture, provides a path forward, a new system to replace the insanity dominating so many halls of power in the “West” today.

The Schiller Institute will be holding an online conference on the Oasis Plan on April 13, for which an invitation is forthcoming. And the International Peace Coalition is holding an event on March 8 devoted to generating a “much-needed response from the West,” through a discussion involving a whole panel of experts and activists.

While the NATO elites may be content to allow the world to slip into the abyss—as they pursue their fantasies of hegemonism over Russia, China, and any other growing nation in the world—we must conceptualize and create the future that mankind’s true nature deserves.