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This Week's EIR: 'Someone Has To Stand Up for Peace'

This week’s EIR Vol. 51, No. 28, will go to subscribers Thursday, July 18. The cover photo shows Hungarian President Viktor Orbán at the NATO summit, with the headline, “Someone Has To Stand Up for Peace.”

The front Editorial is “Trump Assassination Attempt Threatens Chaos in U.S.—Cui Bono?

Section I. International:

• “International Peace Coalition: The NATO Summit: A ‘Shell of Bravado,’” by Daniel Platt

• “Hungary’s Prime Minister Embarks on ‘Peace Mission’ To Change the Climate in Europe,” by Stewart Battle

• Schiller Institute Weekly Dialogue with Helga Zepp-LaRouche: “Orbán Tries Diplomacy While NATO Plans More War”

• “Schiller Institute Conference: Ambassador Chas Freeman: ‘Someone Must Speak Out for Peace’”

• “International Peace Coalition: Declaration of Independence from Imminent Nuclear War”

Section II. United States

• “Service in Dissent: Joint Statement of U.S. Government Officials Who Have Resigned over U.S. Policy towards Gaza, Palestine, and Israel”

• “The Assange Case: An Innocent Man Pleads Guilty, While the Criminals He Exposed Are Still Committing War Crimes,” by Harley Schlanger

Section III. Culture and History

• “Schiller Institute Conference: Let’s Walk Together Towards a Golden Renaissance,” by Sophie Tanapura

• “In Memory of Olga Schweizer: Renowned Danish Musicians Honor Danish Concert Pianist, a Hero in Albania,” by Feride Istogu Gillesberg

Section IV. From Lyndon LaRouche

• “LaRouche Urges: Export Goods, Not Money” from March 3, 1987

Section V: Guest Opinion

• “On the Issue of Struggling Against Neo-Colonial Practices,” by Anatoly I. Antonov, Ambassador to the United States from the Russian Federation

The back Editorial, “We Must Revive the Art of Diplomacy” by Helga Zepp-LaRouche, Editor-in-Chief