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Ukraine’s ‘Molfar’ Hit List Puts Bullseye on J.D. Vance While Congress Pushes Back

Photo by Gery Wibowo / Unsplash

Over the past two years, this publication has exposed the so-called “countering disinformation” nest—or slime mold—being run out of Ukraine for the purpose of neutralizing, politically or physically, opponents of NATO’s intent to deliver a strategic defeat to the Russian Federation through Ukraine’s war. EIR's May 31, 2024 dossier, “‘Countering Disinformation’ by Assassination: The Lesson of the Fico Hit,” is the latest in providing a roadmap for an investigation into these operations, which use the guise of being housed in Ukraine despite the fact that they were all set up under the direction of NATO, U.S. and UK intelligence, and their EU allies. Molfar OSINT (Open Source Intelligence) is featured in that dossier, as is the Ukrainian government’s Center for Countering Disinformation (CCD) and the Data Journalism Agency, known as Texty.

On July 16, Molfar added Senator J.D. Vance to its public register of alleged “Russian Foreign Propagandists,” even as he was being announced as Donald Trump’s Vice Presidential candidate. This outrageous action must be taken as a security threat of the highest order against Senator Vance and his running mate, Donald Trump. All funding Molfar receives from the U.S. State Department, its USAID, the National Democratic Institute (NDI), or through any other official U.S. channel or quango (quasi-autonomous non-governmental organization) must be immediately frozen, pending a full investigation.

Molfar and other Ukrainian websites have targetted American citizens for physical liquidation, including Republican Vice Presidential candidate J.D. Vance. Credit:

Molfar functions as a key targeting agency for Ukrainian military and intelligence agencies, while simultaneously packaging NATO propaganda for publication as “Ukrainian OSINT” by its multiple top Establishment media “partners.” It files its “Foreign Propagandists” list under the category of “Enemies of Ukraine,” who, it demands, must be treated as “a threat to the national security” and subjected to “removal from public positions, the introduction of sanctions, and investigations into personal involvement in crimes.” In addition, Molfar is often cited as an “authoritative” source by Establishment media.

That is the “clean” version. However, Molfar, like the CCD and the notorious Myrotvorets kill list, feeds the information it develops on its targets to both official Ukrainian agencies and radicals in the Ukrainian diaspora for direct physical action. “We have a list of potential victims,” Molfar posted on X on June 3, with a link to its “Foreign Propagandists” list attached.

Molfar’s MO is to publish the personal details of its targets and their closest family members; so far, Senator Vance’s family has been spared this action.

Many prominent citizens have been placed on Molfar’s hit list, including Elon Musk, center, who has called for the U.S. Congress to defund Texty. Credit:

Molfar publicized Vance’s listing as an “enemy” on its Telegram and X accounts. The latter is an eight-part “thread dossier on J.D. Vance, who criticizes Ukraine, praises Orbán and may get an influential position in the White House.” The announcement on their X account concludes by saying: “Now J.D. Vance is in Molfar’s register of foreign propagandists of the Russian regime.”

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