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International Atomic Energy Agency Warns of Attacks on Nuclear Plants—Chief Invited to Moscow

The IAEA issued a statement yesterday warning that the safety situation around Russia’s Zaporozhye nuclear power plant is deteriorating following a drone strike that hit a road outside the plant yesterday. “Yet again we see an escalation of the nuclear safety and security dangers facing the Zaporozhye Nuclear Power Plant. I remain extremely concerned and reiterate my call for maximum restraint from all sides and for strict observance of the five concrete principles established for the protection of the plant,” said IAEA Director General Rafael Grossi. Despite Grossi’s calls for restraint, there is no sign that military activity in the vicinity of ZNPP is abating, says the statement.

“Nuclear power plants are designed to be resilient against technical or human failures and external events including extreme ones, but they are not built to withstand a direct military attack, and neither are they supposed to, just as with any other energy facility in the world,” Grossi said. “This latest attack highlights the vulnerability of such facilities in conflict zones and the need to continue monitoring the fragile situation.”

Additionally, the statement concludes, this week Grossi continued discussions on the recent events in the territory of the Russian Federation, including the proximity of military action to an important and operating nuclear power plant (an obvious reference to the Kursk NPP). Director General Grossi has expressed his readiness to assess the situation, including by making a visit to the plant.

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