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Deposed Leading U.S. Scientist, Prosecuted by the FBI, Opens New Scientific Initiatives in China

Dr. Charles Lieber, the esteemed Harvard Professor who was driven out of his position in one of the leading operations by FBI skunk Christopher Wray, as part of his “get China” operations at least five years back, is now talking to several Chinese institutions in Hong Kong and the mainland regarding a position and possible new scientific institutions. Lieber, who was chairman of Harvard University’s chemistry and chemical biology department and one of the world’s leading experts in nanotechnology, was convicted on Wray’s scurrilous charges of not disclosing ties to a Chinese institute-run science program. Lieber was convicted in a jury trial and served two days in prison, followed by two years of supervised release with six months of home confinement, as reported by the New York Times, but was forced to resign his position at Harvard.

The Global Times reports that Lieber told them that, “he is very interested in starting a research group or center that carries out world-leading research and technology transfer that benefits all people in the world. As part of this process, he would also train and support young scientists and faculty to become leaders in science and technology for the future.”

The so-called “China Initiative” started by Wray during the Trump Administration was “scrapped in 2022 after several failed prosecutions. It faced criticism that it was stifling research and fostering bias against Asians,” Global Times notes, adding that the process “also created significant obstacles to international scientific exchanges by its own scientists.”

They also note that the U.S.’ suppression and aggressive tactics against China-related talents are counterproductive to its intended self-protection, and that “the country’s new McCarthyism witch hunts are causing a brain drain.”