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Italian Nuclear Scientist Blasts German Greens over Their Silence on the Kursk Nuclear Plant Endangerment

The Kursk Nuclear Power Plant. Credit: Rosatom Facebook page

EIR had a conversation regarding the endangerment to Kursk Nuclear Power Plant with Prof. Ugo Spezia, Chief Nuclear Security Officer of SOGIN (Italian state-owned company for nuclear plant decommissioning), Secretary General of the Italian Nuclear Association, Secretary General of the Italian Nuclear Energy Forum, Secretary General of the National Association of Nuclear Engineering, and General Secretary of the Italian Nuclear Society.

Asked his view about why the German Greens don’t say a word about the threats to the Zaporozhye NPP or Kursk NPP, after having pushed for German to exit nuclear energy and the “Energiewende,” Professor Spezia replied, “You have answered yourself. The Greens achieved what they wanted and they are happy with that. They have achieved an economic suicide which cost €700 billion and a recession that has gone on for four years now.... The result is that installed power in Germany has doubled, but energy production is the same and they pay four times more for energy than previously.”

Professor Spezia believes that neither the Ukrainians nor the Russians have the intention of damaging a nuclear power plant, because according to international law, it is equivalent to a nuclear attack, and it authorizes a counterattack. Were the Ukrainians to bomb and damage a Russian plant, Moscow is authorized to react with a nuclear bombardment. Were the Russians to damage a plant on Ukrainian territory, NATO would be authorized to respond with a nuclear attack.

The nuclear plant in Zaporozhye, the largest in Europe, was already involved in the conflict. That nuclear plant was targeted already, but those attacks were accidental. This is the “reassuring” part, he said.

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