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U.S. Bankruptcy Filings Rose 16.2% Year on Year, Over Half Seek Liquidation

According to a July 25 United States Courts news release, “Personal and business bankruptcy filings rose 16.2% in the twelve-month period ending June 30, 2024, compared with the previous year.” Total filings for this period were 486,613, nearly half-a-million, compared with 418,724 filings in 2023. In this same time period, “non-business,” i.e., individual, filings, 2024 over 2023, rose 15.3%, from 403,000 to 464,553. Of the “non-business” filings, significantly more than half, or 284,975, were filings for straight out “liquidation” under Chapter 7 of the U.S. bankruptcy code.

At the same time, “business” filings rose a whopping “40.3%, from 15,724 to 22,060 in the year ending June 30, 2024,” according to the United States Court’s news release.

These statistics reveal the lie to Biden’s “build back better” (non) recovery in the United States.