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Putin Makes Fun of Claims of Election Interference, but White House Misses the Joke

Western media were puzzled as they reported the “news” that Russian President Vladimir Putin had “endorsed” Kamala Harris for U.S. President, during the Q&A at the Eastern Economic Forum on Sept. 5. However, any normal person’s view of Putin’s comments, his facial expressions and his audience’s reactions makes it quite clear that he was completely aware of the outbreak of new allegations out of Washington that Moscow was conspiring to interfere in the U.S. elections; and that he chose to mock the situation.

Asked on Sept. 5 about “favorites” in the U.S. election, he said: “As for my preferences, it’s up to us to decide. After all, the American people will have to make their own choice.” Then he begins: “As I have already said, we favored Mr. Biden, the current President, but they took him out of the race. That said, he advised his supporters to support Ms. Harris.” Then more impishly: “So, we will act accordingly and lend her our support.” Then the moderator jumps in on the fun, laughing: “This is the first point I wanted to make in this regard.” Audience applauds the joke. Putin expands: “My second point is that she has a very contagious laughter, which shows that everything is fine for her.”

When he complains of the large amount of sanctions that Trump had imposed upon Russia, he stops to insert: “But if everything is so great for Ms. Harris, maybe she would refrain from acting this way?” Then he repeats the disclaimer: “At the end of the day, it is up to the American people to decide, and we will respect the choice they will make.”

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