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Russian, Southwest Asia Media Extensively Cover Gabbard Testimony

Tulsi Gabbard testifying before the U.S. Senate Select Committee on Intelligence. Credit: U.S. Senate Select Committee on Intelligence

Tulsi Gabbard’s Senate testimony on Jan. 30 has received a good deal of coverage in the Russian press. In particular, her direct attack on the intelligence failures, i.e., lies, leading up to the Iraq War were widely covered.

Gabbard stated: “This disastrous decision led to the deaths of tens of thousands of American soldiers and millions of people in the Middle East; mass migration, destabilization, and undermining of the security and stability of our European allies; the rise of ISIS, strengthening of al-Qaeda and other Islamist Jihadist groups, and strengthening Iran.”

These key quotes appeared in a number of Russian media, as well as being covered by Al Jazeera and other Southwest Asia media. The Russian online publication, added to the examples Gabbard had used, by citing the additional lies circulated by the “intelligence community” with regard to the Russian actions in Ukraine, including the contrived accusations of genocide in Bucha.

There was also extensive coverage of Gabbard’s comments defending her decision to meet with Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, declaring that the Assad regime represented “the best chance to prevent terrorist groups from taking more power in Syria.… Now Syria is controlled by an al-Qaeda offshoot led by an Islamist jihadist who danced in the streets on 9/11 and is responsible for the murder of many American troops,” she said.