Russian President Vladimir Putin told Rossiya 1 TV reporter Pavel Zarubin on Feb. 2 that “I assure you, Trump with his character, his persistence will restore the order there [in Europe] very quickly. And all of them, you will see, it will happen very quickly and soon, will stand at their master’s heel slightly wagging their tail.”
“They [European elites] just don’t like Trump,” Putin went on. “They were actively fighting against him, really meddling into the political life and the election process in the United States, and then got lost when Trump unexpectedly won.”
Putin explained that modern European leaders lack the independence to defend their own interests, unlike figures such as Charles de Gaulle or Helmut Kohl, Baha Breaking News reported. He also rejected the notion that Germany today is witnessing a new rise of fascism. “But that was then. Today’s German society has nothing to do with this,” Putin said in an apparent reference to current debates in German society over the rise of the Alternative for Germany (AfD) party.