March 11, 2025 (EIRNS)—To lead, how does one think clearly in a time of crisis? Who sees the way forward, and can cause others to see it as well? Wrong judgments, including abdications of judgment, can eliminate whole nations—as Ukraine, and the leadership dwarfs of Europe have shown in the past two weeks.
As for the “average citizen” trapped in the “information bubble” of the clueless Anglosphere: When it comes to the tectonic shifts transpiring worldwide at this moment, our advice is: Do not presume that you actually have any clear idea of what is going on. Only by dropping that presumption, and paying close attention to our Daily Alert, can you hope to thereby figure out what is actually happening.
The world has entered a maelstrom of change. As with the events of 1989-91, a systemic change has occurred, which has ended the recent “unipolar,” “end of history” delusion of 1991-2024, but goes far beyond that. Various commentators, “media personalities,” erstwhile political leaders including presidents and prime ministers, and “specialists” from areas of foreign and domestic policy, finance, and even science and technology, are presuming to know the direction that society is now heading. But they do not. We are in uncharted waters, never before navigated in history. This is an epochal change, unseen in over 500 years. Knowing requires thinking previously-unthought thoughts. To know what may happen, it requires the 2500-year-plus historical perspective of Executive Intelligence Review’s founder, the late economist and statesman Lyndon LaRouche (1922-2019) to remember the future, to forecast what must happen next.
U.S. Army Col. Martin O’Donnell, spokesman for Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe, said, in a statement yesterday, that NATO continues to “plan and execute exercises” with its 32 member states, to “increase our collective readiness to deter potential threats against the Euro-Atlantic, and defend its 1 billion inhabitants.” From whom? The rest of the 7 billion people in the human race? Whatever O’Donnell meant to say, that thinking derives from an invisible “structure of sin,” as Pope John Paul II referred to it. Remember when on Thursday, October 13 of 2022, Josep Borrell addressed the European Diplomatic Academy in Bruges, Belgium and said:
“Europe is a garden. We have built a garden. Everything works. It is the best combination of political freedom, economic prosperity and social cohesion that the humankind has been able to build—the three things together….”
“The rest of the world…” Borrell continued, “is not exactly a garden. Most of the rest of the world is a jungle, and the jungle could invade the garden…. The gardeners have to go to the jungle. Europeans have to be much more engaged with the rest of the world. Otherwise, the rest of the world will invade us, by different ways and means.” To which the nations of Africa, Asia, and South America—the Global Majority—are saying, “Been there, done that. No thanks.”
“The European establishments have so far failed to reflect on their own strategic mistakes of recent decades, which have led to the current situation so unpleasant for them. Instead of seizing the great historic opportunity presented by the (1989) Fall of the Berlin Wall and German reunification to establish a peace order that was absolutely possible at the time, all of Europe ended up following the policies of the Anglo-American neocons,” Helga Zepp-LaRouche warns in her “Instead of Rearming for the Great War, We Need To Create a Global Security Architecture!” Her policy statement should not only be read, circulated and endorsed. It should be studied in conjunction with her Ten Principles for A New Strategic and Development Architecture, also written in November 2022 by Zepp-LaRouche, in order to understand what is to be done next, and therefore, what will happen next.
For example: We will know, in the next 48 hours, how the Russians respond to proposals now being put forth after United States discussions with Ukrainian officials in Jeddah. What we already know, is how Russia has responded to the more than 343 drones launched yesterday by Ukraine, many of them on the city of Moscow. Those drone attacks killed 3 people and injured 18. “The shelling of population centres in many Russian regions, as well as ruthless and indiscriminate killings of civilians, are indicative of the agony of the neo-Nazi Zelenskyy-led regime, which has bogged down in terrorism, lawlessness, corruption, and cynicism. Overcome by impotent rage, and in an effort to please its Western handlers, the regime strives to kill and maim as many innocent people as it can,” the Russian Foreign Ministry said in its statement, on March 11.
How can we, as opposed to those trapped in their clueless “information bubble,” know, even before Russia responds to the United States, and the United States replies, what policy we must advise the United States’ government to adopt, not only with respect to Russia, but also to Southwest Asia, China, and the Global South? Who takes responsibility for knowing that? If we don’t, we are merely bystanders in our own history, made impotent to shape events by our own choice. The Zepp-LaRouche statement, based on principle, rather than “useful suggestion,” addresses how to think about even this immediate-future occurrence.
“Humanity has reached the point where it must overcome the old patterns of thought steeped in geopolitics and the Cold War and replace them with a new global security and development architecture that takes into account the interests of all nations on this planet. A positive example for this is provided by the Peace of Westphalia, which came about because the warring parties came to the conclusion that if the war continued, no one would be able to enjoy victory, since there would be no survivors. How much more convincing this argument is in times of thermonuclear weapons which, if used, would lead to the extinction of all mankind!”
Humanity must not allow itself to be caught below the level of its unfolding current history. The price may be our self-extinction. In this present circumstance, the only survivors, intellectually, spiritually and physically, including nations, will be those that have the courage, and are morally fit to change their axioms. Like Brunelleschi’s Dome in Florence, the new security and development architecture will require its builders to master a design that, while it defies the structure of anything they have ever made before, it is within their powers of imagination to visualize as a necessary existent. Luckily, for our sake, that beautiful, imagined vision of humanity is embedded in a physical and metaphysical truth, disputed, but real, nonetheless: the human race is a universal, and natural good.