One of the priciest private schools in America, the Dalton School ($54k/year), is facing a meltdown from its own liberal agenda. Seen as the educational institution for New York City’s liberal elite, in the wake of the killing of George Floyd, it issued a 31-part racial injustice initiative, to augment the curriculum and to hire more non-white teachers.
Recently the school administrators were served an eight-page list of demands, endorsed by over 100 of the school’s teachers and staff, effectively holding the school ransom — and the demands are so radical, that the administrators face a debacle whether they accept them or not.
The demands include:
Hiring of 12 (!) full-time “diversity officers”
Payoff of student debt for incoming black faculty
Future elimination of AP courses if black students don’t score as high as whites
Required courses on “Black Liberation”
Mandatory diversity plot lines in school plays