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New Greek Party Adopts Slogan, ‘Russia Is Right’

A new Greek political party, the Democratic National Liberation Movement, has issued its new poster under the slogan, “Russia is right, the U.S. and NATO have caused hell in Ukraine.” The poster brandishes a big “Z,” the letter Russian military forces use to identify themselves in the special military operation in eastern Ukraine, which many suggest stands for “Victory” (“za pobedy”). The letter Z, “He Lives,” has another echo in Greece as the title of the famous novel turned into a film by Greek director Costa Gavras, which takes place in Greece before the “Coup d’Etat of the Colonels” in 1967, referring to the movement that grows up after the assassination of an anti-rightwing deputy.

The new political movement is led by Panagiotis Lafazanis, former Minister of Energy, Productive Reconstruction, Environment and Rural Development in the first government of the SYRIZA party led by Alexis Tsipras, who resigned when that government signed the austerity memorandum with the country’s international creditors. Lafazanis is a leading figure in leftwing politics, but his new party seeks to attract all patriotic and progressive Greeks.

The poster was featured by the online newspaper Iskra, which represents Lafazanis’ political tendency. It has been widely reported in the internet media in Greece and Europe as well as Russia. The statement under the poster reads: “If this poster touches you share it online; Send the message that U.S.-NATO must be defeated in Ukraine; Say loudly that there must be an end to American rule in our country, Europe and the world; Declare the demand for a pluralistic world, where even the smallest states have the right to have a voice and presence; Fight for a free, independent, productive and fair Greece.”

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