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Hersh Gives Interview to German Magazine Cicero

In an interview published Feb. 17 with the German-language Cicero Magazine for Political Culture, Seymor Hersh reiterates many of the points he made before, but also reveals, “I talked to people in Berlin who said how angry they were that they were freezing and having to pay more for gas. Members of the Bundestag contacted me after the article was published, as did American members of Congress. I don’t know what will happen in the German Bundestag. So far, not much. But it could be a problem for Chancellor Scholz,” he said referring to his Feb. 8 revelations, “How American Took Out the Nord Stream Pipeline.” (

Asked about his reference to NATO General Secretary Jens Stoltenberg, Hersh elaborates on his charge that Stoltenberg has “cooperated with the American intelligence services since the Vietnam War,” saying: “Oh, if you want to do some research, you’ll see that as a teenager he was arrested during protests as one of the leaders of a radical anti-war group. They wanted to bomb a building in protest of the war, there are newspaper articles about that. As [Norwegian] prime minister, he moved far to the right and then was very anti-Russian.” Asked whether he wants to imply that Stoltenberg “somehow switched sides after the arrest or was subjected to some kind of pressure?” Hersh replied: “I didn’t write that anywhere.”

As for the U.S. sabotage of the Nord Stream pipelines, Hersh adds the detail that “you go to work there in Panama City, Florida, for a couple of months. Panama City, by the way, is really the last place you want to be, full of military stuff, far more than many realize.” That’s where the people are who work out plans for such things. ( )