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The Vatican hosted what Prof. Franco Battaglia called “a curious pagan event” on Oct. 5: a press conference to present Laudate Deum, the new Apostolic Exhortation. Presented as “climate experts,” speakers at the press conference included German “Fridays for Future” activist Luisa Neubauer, “Slow Food” inventor Carlo Petrini, Sri Lanka scourge Vandana Shiva and others. The only real scientist was Nobel Prize winner Giorgio Parisi who, Battaglia wrote in the daily La Verità, has publicly declared himself to be no climate expert, when Italian State President Sergio Matterella wanted to have him on an advisory board on climate.

Neubauer got preferential treatment, as she was eventually received by the Pope. “The future belongs to diese junge Leute,” Francis told Neubauer in mixed English and German. At the press conference, she complained that instead of protecting climate activists, “governments” endorse those who “criminalize” them.

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