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According to Bild tabloid, 50 German business associations, representing 20 million workers, are planning a “mega-revolt” on Jan. 29, with demonstrations in Berlin and other cities. “An unprecedented declaration of frustration” for the government economic policies. Among the promoters, the Association of Family Entrepreneurs, the Association of Metal and Electric Producers Gesamtmetall, the hotel and restaurant association Dehoga, the wholesale and foreign trade association BGA, the fashion industry and the SME association BVMW.

Bild quotes Gesamtmetall head Stefan Wolf: “Not everyone in politics has realized how dramatic the situation is.” The industry is being “brought to its knees by the wrong framework conditions.”

Foreign trade president Dairk Jandur is also quoted, saying: “We are in the middle of the third year of the crisis, with no prospect of improvement. The overregulation continues unabated. If we don’t fight for a real change in policy now after all the wrong political decisions, when will we?”

By “overregulation” is often, and not least, meant Green regulations.