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Excerpts From Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni at NAM

These remarks were made by Museveni, who has now taken over as chairman of the Non-Aligned Movement, at that meeting’s concluding ceremony on Jan. 20:

This will be the first time if it is achieved in the coming years that the whole world is affluent. By 1980, the only affluent parts of the world were Western Europe, North America, and Japan. The rest of the world was in poverty. In the last forty-something years, we have seen the spread of affluence to some other countries, China, some countries in other parts of the world, spreading affluence a bit more. And what we are aiming for is affluence for the whole world.

In order to do that, we go back to our principles of NAM… The Bandung principles start with humility, to be humble, not to think that what you think is the only way of doing things…

“Are you pro-East or pro-West?” I look at these people, and sometimes I want to use bad words, but I restrain myself. Do you think I’m an idiot? I am pro-myself….

Wealth comes from producing goods and services and selling them… The atmosphere for investors to produce goods and services using the raw materials we have in our respective countries…

[We need the regional market, integration in Africa, and internationally. We should promote trade among ourselves] because when I buy from you I am supporting your prosperity and when you buy from me you are supporting my prosperity.

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