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Open Letter Calls on Scholz To Support Chinese Diplomacy To End Ukraine War

April 13, 2024 (EIRNS)—The four authors of several previous open letters to German Chancellor Olaf Scholz calling for a diplomatic initiative to end the Ukraine war—Hajo Funke, Gen. Harald Kujat (ret.), Peter Brandt, and Michael von der Schulenburg—issued a new appeal to Scholz on April 11 on the occasion of his April 13-16 visit to China:

“We welcome Chancellor Olaf Scholz’s visit to China accompanied by a strong business delegation. We hope that this visit will not only contribute to deepening economic relations, which are so important for Germany, but also to international understanding. In these times of great international uncertainty and geopolitical tensions and upheavals, such a dialogue is the only way forward.

“We therefore hope, out of deep concern for the people of Ukraine and for peace in Europe, that this visit to the People’s Republic of China will also highlight the peace efforts of China and its special envoy Li Hui to end the war in Ukraine, and that the Federal Chancellor openly welcomes and supports these efforts. There is currently no other promising attempt at mediation between Ukraine and Russia. We must not let this opportunity to end this cruel war pass us by again!

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