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Does the Fourth of July Mean Anything?

by David Shavin (EIRNS) — Jul. 02, 2024

As the United States approaches its Fourth of July celebration, on the occasion of its Declaration of Independence from the British Empire, a few thoughts are in order.

One silly thought to dispense with is that the founding fathers took on the largest navy and military force in the world because they were getting a raw deal on taxes. People forget that the objection was to “taxation without representation.” When humans know that they are capable of doing more during their mortal span than merely providing raw materials to clever people, and rather are capable of deliberating over courses of action for their community and their nation that progressively employs the higher cultural and skill levels of mankind, it becomes difficult to keep them in colonial subjugation.

Over July 3-4, twenty-five nations are gathering at the Meeting of the Heads of State Council of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization in Astana, Kazakhstan, deliberating, among other things, over its expanding anti-colonial, pro-development success, represented among other things by China’s monumental Belt and Road project. In fact, it was at Astana, on September 7, 2013, that Beijing’s newly elected President Xi Jinping announced his plan for the “Silk Road Economic Belt,” that would soon be joined on October 4, 2013, when he announced in Jakarta, the “21st Century Maritime Silk Road”: These two, the world’s largest infrastructure project soon famous as the Belt and Road Initiative for that the country’s long-term, infrastructure-vectored, poverty-eliminating projects offered throughout the world. Although not part of the Belt and Road, no less brilliant was Xi’s vision for China’s development aimed to wipe out abject poverty among 800 million of its citizens by 2020.

The American founding fathers would be very proud.

So, why are their descendants debating whether Joe Biden or Kamala Harris, or whoever, can win out over Donald Trump in a contest to see who best can take down China or Russia? When did the British Empire reconquer the United States, turning us into a bully for imperial repression? And when did American independence and freedom stray from the joy of developing our full range of powers and maturely choosing the best course forward?

Today, in Kiev, there was a notable and curious event. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy met with his neighbor, Hungary’s Prime Minister Viktor Orbán. The latter has been on Kiev’s enemies list for quite a while now—both the infamous Myrotvorets hit list and the Center for Countering Disinformation (CCD) blacklist. As someone who has dared to hear Russia’s concern that Europe needs new security arrangements under which one country’s security is not based upon lessening the security of its neighbor, Orbán has been targeted as a Russian agent, one who in wartime can and should be silenced by whatever means necessary. Yesterday, Orbán and Hungary took charge of the presidency of the European Union Council for the next six months, and his first major intervention was to move to choke off Europe’s drive for an expanded war, leading him to go where his professed enemies are.

Less realized, but perhaps more risky, President Zelenskyy met with Orbán, including hosting a joint press conference. It is Zelenskyy’s own Office of the President that houses his National Security and Defense Council which, via its CCD unit, establishes Orbán as a public enemy. Orbán’s daring intervention aside, what is one to make of Zelenskyy appearing in public with Orbán, with Orbán calling for kickstarting peace negotiations by initiating a ceasefire with a consequent deadline—just to push things into gear? Zelenskyy’s five years of rule has him irreverently pugnacious with almost anyone, but not the hardcore revanchists of Ukraine, not the ones celebrating Nazi collaborator Stepan Bandera, the ones of the Azov Brigade with their symbology based on the Nazi swastika. For five years, they have said “Jump,” and Zelenskyy has asked, “How high?” All this is by way of underlining that there is some reason to think that Zelenskyy might be wondering if he has an exit from the corner into which he has painted himself.

Does Western Europe have an exit from its self-destructive Russophobia and economic ruin? For that matter, does the United States have a way to turn off the seemingly endless soap opera drivel called politics?

A few positive thoughts about the original Fourth of July, when freeing the world from imperialist rule was a good thing, is an excellent turning point, a fine and proper use of culture. To start with, here is a Fourth of July celebration of a New York candidate for the U.S. Senate Diane Sare, the only one presently who can kindle an authentic and warm fire for the real Fourth of July.


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