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Joe Jennings Open Letter to Congressman Al Green

Dear Congressman Green—

I applaud your courage in boycotting the raving speech of war criminal Benjamin Netanyahu. That said, you should pay some attention to the central thrust of Bibi’s address. HE IS DEMANDING THAT THE USA PREPARE TO COMMENCE A WAR AGAINST THE NATION OF IRAN!

Some history: During the 1943 Tehran Conference, the great President, Franklin Roosevelt, took some time to meet with the young Shah of Iran. The two discussed great plans for post-war peace and development, modeled on the miracle that FDR had accomplished with the TVA, bringing the culturally backward and impoverished Tennessee Valley forward with dams, land cultivation and hydroelectric power (with the future promise of nuclear power from Oak Ridge). This grand plan for future cooperation died with the death of FDR before the war’s conclusion. With Harry Truman’s embrace of Winston Churchill, clinched by the decision to nuke Hiroshima, post-war plans to end the Empire were scuttled, the Cold War commenced, and nations such as Iran had to choose non-alignment to fulfill their aspirations for development. Allen Dulles’s CIA organized the 1953 overthrow of Iran’s Mossadegh, Zbigniew Brzezinski’s NSA and British Interests sponsored the overthrow of the Shah in 1978, and promoted the rise of the fundamentalist Islamic Republic, which Bibi and certain Republicans hysterically denounce today. George Bush and the Israeli Mossad armed the Khomeini regime to fight the Iraqi government of (then US ally) Saddam Hussein. This was the ‘Iran/Contra’ covert operation that fueled a war that took a million lives. Today, Iran has begun to crawl out of the darkness and become an advanced industrial nation. It has proudly joined the BRICS alliance for world development. London, Wall Street and Bibi are hysterical, and are demanding the ‘dumb giant’ USA to enter another war, on top of its war with Russia in Ukraine, its massacre of Palestinians in Gaza, and, soon, a war with China over Taiwan. BLESSED ARE THE PEACEMAKERS! Please stand up against this insanity, Congressman, in every way you can. DONA NOBIS PACEM. Joe Jennings.