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‘They Stole the Truth’ Reveals Scott Ritter on the Seizure of His Archive

Former Chief Weapons Inspector Scott Ritter. Credit: EIRNS/Stuart Lewis

Former Chief Weapons Inspector for the United Nations Special Commission (UNSCOM) Scott Ritter has revealed the extent of the files taken from his home by the FBI on August 7. “The FBI has seized the literal truth,” he writes in a special to Consortium News.

The two dozen boxes taken from his basement were not the objects to be seized according to the original search warrant, but because they contained intelligence—declassified years ago, Ritter explains—they were seized for further review.

These documents contain the archive of the facts about Iraq’s disarmament following the 1991 Gulf War, documents that Ritter has repeatedly relied on to counter government lies about Iraq’s weapons programs, most notably in the case of the launching in 2003 of an unjustified military assault on Iraq.

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