British, French, and other schemes to deploy “peacekeeping” troops in Ukraine, have the same chance of succeeding as a cat surviving on a German Autobahn. The bluster, while believed by some, is probably a stunt for domestic consumption, and will never occur. In reading the reporting about such schemes, this should always be made clear.
To start with, peacekeeping troops must be neutral. This is blatantly not the case for the UK, French or most other troops from EU countries. Russia, or any counterpart in any negotiation, will never accept peacekeeping troops from belligerent or co-belligerent nations. That condition simply does not exist.
As military editor Gianandrea Gaiani wrote, “Usually such contingents belong to neutral nations, which neither Britain nor France can hope to resemble after three years of open support for Ukraine and demonization of Russia (even its athletes and artists). An exception might perhaps apply to Hungary, Slovakia and Austria, which have not supplied arms to Kiev.”