The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) is no longer an army. It’s become a Nazi-like killing machine motivated by religious zealotry. “Gaza has become a killing field—that is the view of a well-informed Israeli veteran who was an enthusiastic supporter of the initial Israeli response to the Hamas attack of October 7, 2023,” Seymour Hersh writes in his latest column, posted on Jan. 9. “He believes that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, the mastermind of the all-out retaliatory bombing and ground attack there, is now a contemporary Colonel Kurtz, the psychotic killer of Francis Ford Coppola’s ‘Apocalypse Now,’ the famed Vietnam War movie of 1979 based on Joseph Conrad’s 1899 novella Heart of Darkness.
“What began as a retaliatory war by the internationally revered Israel Defense Forces against a disciplined Hamas guerrilla force turned into the systematic starvation of a society whose civilian survivors—men, women, and children—are the victims of an Israeli military whose combat units are often led by the second generation of Israeli settlers. These officers, increasingly prominent as the war in Gaza goes on, are religious zealot majors and lieutenant colonels who believe it is their calling to shoot and kill any Palestinian who moves, whether combatant or civilian.”