This is rich. The City of London’s weekly mouthpiece, The Economist, which speaks for all varieties of financial predators, has entitled its Jan. 25 article “America Has an Imperialist Presidency,” claiming that Donald Trump is “an imperialist president for the first time in over a century.” Trump is resurrecting something out of the 19th century, an “ideology out of the railroad era,” The Economist argues, with an expanding frontier, a “growing nation” that “increases our wealth, expands our territory.”
Oh dear, “presidents have not talked like that for a century.” The Economist points to Trump’s references to William McKinley (whose tariff policy he admires but doesn’t really understand). No matter. The usurers’ rag insists that this American System President and patriot, who understood Hamiltonian economics and opposed free trade was really an imperialist, who grabbed land for the expansion of the American “empire” and was backed by the “commercial titans of the time”—J.P. Morgan and John D. Rockefeller. Never mind that the dirty British hand was behind McKinley’s 1901 assassination, after which he was replaced by the true obedient agent of the British Empire, Teddy Roosevelt.