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Trump Fires 17 Inspectors General, Escalates Fight Against Deep State

On Friday night, Jan. 24 with no warning, the White House sent letters to 17 inspectors general across almost every Cabinet-level agency informing them they were being let go. The only departments that were spared were the inspectors general at the Homeland Security and Justice Departments, with the Justice Department IG Michael Horowitz getting a special mention the next day by Trump, who complimented the work he had done on Comey’s FBI.

The move has caused large blowback and criticism from Democrats, and even from one or two Republicans. Republican Sen. Charles Grassley (IA) said: “There may be good reason the IGs were fired. We need to know that if so. I’d like further explanation from President Trump.”

But the panic was best expressed by one unnamed senior official in one of the inspectors general offices, who told the Washington Post: “This is totally unprecedented. It’s what we were fearing.”

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