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Senate Intel Committee Endorses Tulsi Gabbard's Nomination as Director of National Intelligence

Tulsi Gabbard at her Senate nomination hearing. Credit: U.S. Senate Select Committee on Intelligence

The Senate Intelligence Committee, in a straight party-line vote of 9-8, today passed Tulsi Gabbard’s name on to the full Senate, which will vote on her nomination as Director of National Intelligence. Reportedly, that vote is scheduled to occur next week.

Gabbard, from her opening testimony Jan. 30, went after the Anglo-American secret state apparatus. She said about U.S. intelligence failures: “The most obvious example is our invasion of Iraq based upon a total fabrication or complete failure of ‘intelligence.’ This disastrous decision led to the deaths of tens of thousands of American soldiers and millions of people in the Middle East; mass migration, destabilization, and undermining of the security and stability of our European allies; the rise of ISIS, strengthening of al-Qaeda and other Islamist Jihadist groups, and strengthening Iran.”

She targeted by name the leadership of the intelligence community, listing among others: “Former DNI James Clapper lied to this committee in 2013, denying the existence of programs that facilitated the mass collection of millions of Americans’ phone and internet records—yet was never held responsible.

“Under John Brennan’s leadership, the CIA abused its power to spy on Congress to dodge oversight, lied about doing it until he was caught—yet was never held responsible.”

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