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March 13, 2025 (EIRNS)—An editorial in Haaretz today excoriated the Israeli government for its rejection of the Egyptian plan for rebuilding Gaza, while mocking the indifference of Israeli citizens. “Even last week’s Arab League emergency summit in Cairo, in which leaders of Arab countries participated, didn’t interest anyone in Israel. Nor did the fact that the leaders adopted the plan and added that we should begin a diplomatic process for achieving a permanent solution to the conflict based on the two-state principle. Peace? A two-state solution? Please don’t disturb the public’s rest, until the next failure.”

The editorial described the plan “as a basis for a solution.” A “responsible government” would accept the plan, but an “Irresponsible, reckless government, like that ruling Israel today, prefers to err with fantasies of a mass transfer, or an endless war.”

Haaretz has the third-largest circulation of Israeli newspapers.