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EIR Daily News • Sunday, January 14, 2024

March4Gaza at Freedom Square in Washington, DC Jan. 13. EIRNS/Stuart Lewis

The Lead

U.S.A., U.K. Go Rogue, Killing People and Institutions; Global Majority in Motion

by Marcia Merry Baker (EIRNS) — Jan. 13, 2024

Within less than 24 hours of the World Court presentation by South Africa of the case of Israel committing genocide in Gaza, the U.S.A. and U.K. bombed Yemen, which airstrike was repeated by the United States again the next night. U.S. Ambassador to the UN Linda Greenfield-Thomas defended their attacks, telling the UN Security Council yesterday, that the airstrikes “were consistent with international law and in exercise of the UN’s inherent right to self-defense, as reflected by Article 51 of the UN Charter.”

But no amount of lies and rhetoric can cover for the fact that the United States and Britain have gone rogue, deliberately acting to kill people, and kill institutions as well.

The U.K. moved blatantly with this intent yesterday regarding Ukraine. Prime Minister Rishi Sunak went to Kiev and signed what he called an “historic” agreement for U.K. military backing for Ukraine. In his official statement he said, “The totemic agreement is intended to be the first stop in developing an unshakeable hundred-year partnership” between the two countries. Ukraine President Zelenskyy praised the action, inferring Ukraine will be joining NATO along the way, and saying, “This is a signal to the world: Ukraine is not alone.” Next week another round of arms pledges to Ukraine is scheduled to occur at the Ramstein, Germany meeting of the Ukraine Defense Group; and the sham Ukraine “peace” talks are set for Switzerland tomorrow, —based on Zelenskyy’s unilateral demands.

The import of these various moves? Not only are the United States and the U.K. acting to spread conflict and carnage, but also their rogue style itself is a cover for the fact there have been contingencies and scenarios planned well in advance for expanding the warfare. Regarding the dangerous scenario of provoking war against Iran, senior analyst Gilbert Doctorow warned as early as last October, that it “makes more sense to interpret Joe Biden’s sending a U.S. aircraft carrier and other naval vessels closer to Israel as preparations for an attack on Iran, than for preparations to attack the Hamas urban guerrillas in Gaza.” (Oct. 9, 2024, “The Iranian Interest in the Israeli-Hamas War

Against all of this evil, come the many expressions of the alternative for humanity: ceasefire, negotiations for peace and initiatives for development. Today mass street marches and rallies took place in dozens of cities around the globe. In Washington, D.C., many thousands of people came from all over the country for the March4Gaza to make a demonstration for morality in the capital.

The danger is the escalation of warfare in many directions—Lebanon, Yemen and the Red Sea region, and the provocation of Iran. “We are getting very close to a regional war,” warned Helga Zepp-LaRouche today. She observed that the so-called “rules-based order is out the window,” and we are in a phase of law of the jungle.

But we are at this breaking point in more than one way, Zepp-LaRouche noted. Look at what South Africa did. It was not “news” that Israel is committing genocide, but the South African presentation at The Hague Jan. 11 was airtight and powerful, and that is “news.” We are in the phase of determining what order and principle will prevail.

In this process, there are critical forces moving. China’s Foreign Secretary Wang Yi is in Egypt, the first nation in the long tradition of Chinese diplomats starting each new year by a multi-state tour in Africa, but Wang Yi will have an important meeting with the Secretary General of the League of Arab States, based in Cairo. Both China and the Arab League, as well as Russia and the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, and member nations, have called for a peace conference on the Middle East, as early as possible.

The role of the International Peace Coalition, the Schiller Institute and other interventions is critical. Look at the commitment of the nearly 2,000 organizations internationally that have signed and are circulating the letter calling on countries to file Declarations of Intervention with the World Court backing South Africa’s case invoking the Genocide Convention against Israel.

Look at the nationwide Week of Action Jan. 8-15 uprising of the farmers and allies in Germany, rejecting the incompetence and immorality of the Berlin national government. On Monday, Jan. 15, there will be a huge demonstration in Berlin.

Notable in this regard, is the dismal report that on Jan. 12, the Scholz government announced that Germany will file a third party measure at The Hague supporting Israel, and opposing South Africa. According to today’s Times of Israel, German government spokesman Steffen Hebestreit said that Germany opposes South Africa’s action as a “political instrumentalization” of the UN Genocide Convention.

This only points up the positive reality of the power and world importance of the upsurge of farmers and others against the German government. Helga Zepp-LaRouche has written a statement for mass circulation in Germany on Jan. 15: “No, There Is a Limit to the Tyrant’s Power! Support the Brave Saviors of Germany!”


Strategic War Danger

U.S. and Canada

Collapsing Imperial System

LaRouche movement


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